
The Reserve

The oriented nature reserve “Fiumedinisi and Monte Scuderi” falls within the territories of the municipalities of Alì, Fiumedinisi, Itala, Monforte S. Giorgio, Nizza di Sicilia, S. Lucia del Mela and S. Pier Niceto of the province of Messina. Established by Decree of the Regional Department of Land and Environment number 743/44 of December 10, 1998, in order to protect:

  • stratifications at different levels of metalliferous mineralization characterized by high concentrations of certain elements: Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag, Fe, Sb, interesting for the study of scheelite and sulfide deposits;
  • the significant presence of the Sicilian partridge(Alectoris graeca whitakeri)

Designated a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) under the Habitats Directive as a Site of Community Importance (ITA 030010).

Mount Scuderi

Mount Scuderi is one of the highest peaks in the Peloritani Mountains (1253 meters), dominating the Ionian Sea by rising above Itala and Alì to the southeast and the source of the "Santissima" to the west. A small saddle joins it to the ridge that goes from "Dinnammare" to Monte Poverello and Monte Cavallo, forming with them the eastern bulwark of the Peloritani Mountains. The flat-shaped peak allows on clear days to admire enchanting UNESCO-recognized natural heritages: the Aeolian Islands and majestic Mount Etna.

Belvedere Castle of Fiumedinisi

To the south of the reserve it is possible to admire the "Belvedere Castle," the so-called fortress of Fiumedinisi, a real natural window overlooking the "Nisi Valley" and the Ionian Sea. Situated in the southeastern Peloritani Mountains, about 750 m above sea level, it is one of the most fascinating medieval castles in eastern Sicily, nestled in splendid isolation on top of a fortress, the "Belvedere," with an exceptional strategic position. Of the ancient castle, with irregular pentagonal floor plan, the ruins of the outer walls, partition walls, remain. The most scenic and impressive part of the castle is the northern portion where the imposing remains of the keep can be discerned along with some subdued rooms and the main entrance to the castle.

Fiumara Santissima Gorge

In the center of the reserve it is possible to find gorges formed over the centuries by the flowing waters of the "Santissima" river. Immediately at the entrance to the gorges is a small church dedicated to the Holy Trinity. A nerve center for well-trained and equipped hikers, from this point it is possible to reach two of the highest peaks in the Peloritani Mountains-Mount Poverello and Mount Scuderi.

Margi Plan

At the northern border of the Reserve, it is possible to reach "Piano Margi," a plateau surrounded by oaks and majestic chestnut trees. A suitable refreshment point during the walk, easy to reach and accessible to all. Starting point for discerning hikers who will have the opportunity to explore more remote places such as: Mt. Poverello, Pizzo Leumorto, the water springs, etc.


The reserve is established in order to protect:

The significant biological and geological values in the area, in particular:

  • stratifications at different levels of metalliferous mineralization characterized by high concentrations of certain elements: Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag, Fe, Sb, interesting for the study of scheelite and sulfide deposits;
  • the significant presence of the Sicilian partridge (Alectoris graeca whitakeri).

The Reserve and its habitats are: Site of Community Interest – Natura 2000 Network (SCI-ITA030010): habitats that contribute significantly to the maintenance of biodiversity in the region are part of this Network.

Mount Scuderi

Mount Scuderi is one of the highest peaks in the Peloritani Mountains (1253 meters), dominating the Ionian Sea by rising above Itala and Alì to the southeast and the source of the “Santissima” to the west. A small saddle joins it to the ridge that goes from “Dinnammare” to Monte Poverello and Monte Cavallo, forming with them the eastern bulwark of the Peloritani Mountains. The flat-shaped peak allows on clear days to admire enchanting UNESCO-recognized natural heritages: the Aeolian Islands and majestic Mount Etna.

Belvedere Castle of Fiumedinisi

To the south of the reserve it is possible to admire the “Belvedere Castle,” the so-called fortress of Fiumedinisi, a real natural window overlooking the “Nisi Valley” and the Ionian Sea. Located in the southeastern Peloritani Mountains, about 750 m above sea level, it is one of the most fascinating medieval castles in eastern Sicily, nestled in splendid isolation on top of a rock, the “Belvedere,” with an exceptional strategic position. Of the ancient castle, with irregular pentagonal floor plan, the ruins of the outer walls, partition walls, remain.

The most scenic and impressive part of the castle is the northern portion where the imposing remains of the keep can be discerned along with some subdued rooms and the main entrance to the castle.

Holy Fiumara Gorge

In the center of the reserve it is possible to find gorges formed over the centuries by the flowing waters of the “Santissima” river. Immediately at the entrance to the gorges is a small church dedicated to the Holy Trinity.

A nerve center for well-trained and equipped hikers, from this point it is possible to reach two of the highest peaks in the Peloritani Mountains-Mount Poverello and Mount Scuderi.

Margi Plan

At the northern border of the Reserve, it is possible to reach “Piano Margi,” a plateau surrounded by oaks and majestic chestnut trees. A suitable refreshment point during the walk, easy to reach and accessible to all.

Starting point for discerning hikers who will have the opportunity to explore more remote places such as: Mt. Poverello, Pizzo Leumorto, the water springs, etc.

Riserva Naturale Orientata "Fiumedinisi e Monte Scuderi"

La Riserva naturale orientata “Fiumedinisi e Monte Scuderi” si estende per circa 46 Kmq lungo la catena dei Monti Peloritani, nei territori dei comuni di Alì, Fiumedinisi, Itala, Monforte S. Giorgio, Nizza di Sicilia, S. Lucia del Mela e S. Pier Niceto, in provincia di Messina.

La Riserva naturale è stata istituita con Decreto dell’Assessorato Regionale del Territorio e dell’Ambiente n. 743 del 10 dicembre 1998 al fine di tutelare le significative valenze biologiche e geologiche presenti nel territorio, in particolare:

  • le stratificazioni a diversi livelli di mineralizzazioni metallifere caratterizzate da alte concentrazioni di alcuni elementi: Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag, Fe, Sb, interessanti per lo studio dei giacimenti di scheelite e solfuri;
  • la significativa presenza della coturnice siciliana (Alectoris graeca whitakeri).

La Riserva di Fiumedinisi e Monte Scuderi è, prima di tutto, una Riserva Naturale protetta, curata ed a tua disposizione tutto l’anno: vivila e rispettala.

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Fiumedinisi and Monte Scuderi Reserve is, first and foremost, a protected Nature Reserve, cared for and available to you all year round: experience and respect it.

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Oriented Nature Reserve "Fiumedinisi and Monte Scuderi"

The Oriented Nature Reserve “Fiumedinisi and Monte Scuderi” covers about 46 sq. km. along the Peloritani Mountains, in the territories of the municipalities of Alì, Fiumedinisi, Itala, Monforte S. Giorgio, Nizza di Sicilia, S. Lucia del Mela and S. Pier Niceto, in the province of Messina.

The Nature Reserve was established by Decree of the Regional Department of Land and Environment No. 743 of December 10, 1998 in order to protect the significant biological and geological values in the area, in particular:

  • stratifications at different levels of metalliferous mineralization characterized by high concentrations of certain elements: Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag, Fe, Sb, interesting for the study of scheelite and sulfide deposits;
  • the significant presence of the Sicilian partridge (Alectoris graeca whitakeri).